About us

Sollos started its activities in 2011, with a focus on Consulting and Assistance to companies in various categories of agricultural inputs, based on the experience of professionals with more than 20 years in Agribusiness.

We are a business facilitator in Brazil, working in all phases necessary for the establishment of companies, registration and commercial technical positioning of products.

Since its founding, Sollos has significantly increased its participation in the segment, a consequence of the acquired credibility and the excellence in the services provided.

We are committed to adding more than professional expertise, we seek to  understand the profile and needs of each client, evaluating the legal  aspects that affect the Agricultural Inputs segment and offering solutions through transparent, agile and efficient processes.


Partner Director

Luis Fernando Loureiro Teixeira

Graduated as Agronomic Engineer from Universidade de São Paulo (ESALQ/USP) in 1998, with MBA in Business Management by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).

He has 22 years of experience in Agribusiness, having worked in national  and multinational companies, in addition to working with agricultural  production and consulting. As a consultant, he has assisted more than 100 companies.